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Below is a comparison of the features for the different versions of GrandPrix Race Manager.  Both the Lite and Pro versions will allow you to run and manage an efficient race.  The Pro version provides more features and flexibility to the users that require them.

Mouse over an underlined feature to see a description of that feature.

Note: This is not an all inclusive list of the differences between versions.

Feature Lite Pro
Number of Lanes Supported 1 to 8 1 to 8
Configure to race Cars, Semi Trucks, Rockets or Boats Yes Yes
Solenoid Start Support Yes Yes
Light Tree Support Yes Yes
Customize to Your Organization Yes Yes
Assign Your Own Car Numbers Yes Yes
Heat Scoring Cumulative, Average or Single Fastest Times - Auto or Manual
Worst times can be ignored

Cumulative Points - Auto or Manual
Cumulative, Average or Single Fastest Times - Auto or Manual
Worst times can be ignored

Cumulative Points - Auto or Manual
Race Schemes Supported Top finishers from a racing group can be advanced to a succeeding round, if desired. Unlimited number of rounds.

Top finishers overall or from each race group can be raced in a Grand Finals round, if desired.
Top finishers from a racing group can be advanced to a succeeding round, if desired. Unlimited number of rounds.

Top finishers overall or from each race group can be raced in a Grand Finals round, if desired.
Compute Standings Yes Yes
Generate Reports Yes Yes
Display Statistics Yes Yes
Large Screen Displays for Audience Viewing Yes Yes
Serial Timers Supported Fast Track
NewBold Timers
RaceMaster IV
The Champ
The Judge
Fast Track
NewBold Timers
RaceMaster IV
The Champ
The Judge
Other Serial Timers
Race Methods Supported • Perfect-N Series
• Lane Rotation (Normal, Phase Shifted, Modified & Clustered)
• Dynamic
• Perfect-N Series
• Lane Rotation (Normal, Phase Shifted, Modified & Clustered)
• Dynamic
• Manual/Ad-Hoc Scheduling
Other Scheduling Methods
Track Records Tracking No Yes
Top Times Tracking No Yes
Master Scheduling No Yes
Apply Tiebreaker Rules No Yes
Display Racer Photos No Yes
Rename the "Vehicle Name" Data Field No Yes
Allow Selected Racers to Race but Exclude from Standings No Yes
Exclude Grand Finals Winners from Group Standings No Yes
Extended Desktop Mode No Yes
Interface with RaceReplay software No Yes
Interface with RaceFX software No Yes
Interface with DerbyWeb software No Yes
  Purchase a Lite License Purchase a Pro License